I have been very blessed that basically all my clients in 2012 have been pretty amazing, and especially the wedding clients. I have been able to attend some of the best, most awesome weddings this year, and I feel seriously priveleged to be involved in so intimate a way in the lives of some wonderful people. I am always so grateful when I have clients so wonderful that some part of their wedding makes me cry. And no, it wasn’t the mountain cold that made me cry – Cheryl and Malik’s first dance was so touching.
I met Cheryl through a wedding show, and subsequently worked with them for their beautiful Engagement photos this summer in a private park near their home in Calgary. I found it a little ironic that, working in Alberta, my very first Mountain destination wedding was going to be after I went to the Carribean for Lisa and Matt’s wedding in Cuba in late August, but I wasn’t complaining! I headed in a day early to Canmore to beat the weather since things were a little inclement.
One of the coolest parts of their reception was the Canmore native belly dancer, Hala Jamal, and with exotic locales like Egypt and Ghana being a part of the heritage of the couple, it was a really appropriate addition to their dance! I got to know Hala a little during the dance, and she’s an extremely talented woman, a born dancer and artist, and a wonderful conversationalist as well as an all-around lovely person.
Malik told me at the ceremony that he had a lot of respect for what I did and really loved my work, which was just amazing to hear. They were such good sports about the weather and everything, and the bride and groom were the least wimpy about staying outside in the cold, which was pretty commendable! I really enjoyed their wedding, and I hope you enjoy it vicariously through these images!
Are you getting married at a destination? Take me with you! Please contact Twyla for information,
or find out more instantly by checking out your options.