Jen in the Snow

So today I was driving in the perfect, snow-globe snow and realized that I really wanted to go out shooting, whether or not anybody was thinking of getting any photos! Despite my contacting quite a few people, it was looking like it was going to be totally dark out before anyone could come out and work with me. But my Facebook plea prevailed, and Jen was able to come out and work with me. I’m sure she was thinking, “What is she doing?” the whole time, and I probably looked like a dork with a plastic bag over my flash… But that’s okay! It was actually our first time meeting in person – I think we actually met through a Kijiji friend-seeking ad I posted a while back, though I’ve talked with Jen online several times and knew she was a big fan of my work. Well, if you’re not snoozing when I post a Facebook message about instant photoshoots being free, you win, right? I hope she likes what I’ve done tonight, I know I really like it! =) These were taken over at Corbett Hall’s big snowed-in lawn at the U of A North Campus. This is the same umbrella from my wedding photos! Adds a splash of color anywhere! Jen told me that these are her first ever professional photos of herself. Photographers reading this will know what I mean when I say, this is one of my first times playing with mixing flash and ambient light at night as well. Plus, SNOW. I love snow.

Edmonton Portrait Photographers

Jen says: “Wow!!!! I love it! They look so amazing, way to capture the city night snowfall. It looks modern and a little romantic. I even like the one of me walking down the path 🙂 I am loving the colors!!!!! Thank you so much, Twyla!!!!”

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