It’s a great treat every so often to take some photographs of family. While we were working, my husband’s Aunt and Uncle asked me whether it was different shooting with family, whether I got nervous. The truth is, I’m nervous about half the sessions I do for one reason or another, and from what I can tell, almost every photographer I’ve ever talked to, including the incredible National Geographic-level ones, are the same. The specific answer is that, yes, I do get a bit nervous in advance, but like with every session I get going and see where things take me, and sometimes it can even be a little easier because I know the people. The larger my business gets, the less often I get to work with people I know well, but I do try to get to know everyone I work with as I’m working so I can offer them a service that matches their personality since that’s really important to me.
I have been a big fan of Paul’s Aunt Benita and Uncle Rob and their family since we met in their hometown of Calgary, nearly three years ago now. Their kids are interested in all kinds of things, and they are very much in love – which makes my job pretty easy. I think I may have scared them a little with the sight of the weed-infested shock of wild ground I’d intended to work with them in at Callingwood Park. In my defense, it wasn’t so overgrown last Fall when I was there last! I probably should have mentioned that there were paths after the first few tall bushes though… But after the initial sojourn through the bush we were shocked to find a HUGE orange toadstool on the edge of the forest, so it seemed like it was worth it after all! Aunt Benita asked if they would get a photo of it as part of the family for the day and I promised they would – and I included it with photos of the kids, too, so you can enjoy our discovery! I really love these images and they made me smile a lot working with them after. I hope they make you smile too!