Every now and then a client is so excited to work with me I can practically see their grin through their email! Tori was one of those ladies who practically begged to fit into my schedule, and I have a soft spot in my heart for single Moms to begin with – not to mention some of the most fun I’ve had shooting has been with single parents and their kids. All that said, it was a gorgeous day when Tori and Brooke and Kitty and I finally got out to Emily Murphy Park to take some photos. Brooke has a totally adorable smile – and boy does she love her Kitty! I used to be totally attached to my stuffed toys when I was little, so I had a bit of a flashback working with Brooke. I hope you enjoy their infectious smiles as much as I did!

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Are you considering family portraits with Admire Studios?
Talk to Twyla!

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