Category: All

Sister Photos!

Every once and a while I get to do something really unique with family photos – and working with these lovely sisters and their kids, including a gorgeous set of twins (I love twins!) a baby, and two awesome little


Wedding Fever

After an incredible experience meeting the brides and grooms of Saskatoon’s You May Kiss the Bride wedding showcase, one of Saskatoon’s best wedding shows, I am gearing up for this weekend in Edmonton at Bridal Fantasy’s Fall Fashion Edition show!


Mill Family Photos

I really enjoyed exploring a new location in Sherwood Park with the Mill Family the other day! Tucked away behind a nice new residential neighborhood is a lovely oasis with a small lake and some pretty wilderness. Which happens to


Raffa Family Photos

Working with the Raffa and Pollard families was a wonderful experience. The Pollard boys have the most gorgeous brilliant blue eyes, and the whole family was really great to work with, even though if we could have stopped at one

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